CIA research consciousness

The CIA has conducted research on consciousness, though the extent and specific details remain largely classified. However, some information has been declassified and is available through the CIA’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Electronic Reading Room. Here’s what we know: Declassified Documents: Overall Scope: While these declassified documents offer some insight, they represent a limited … Continue reading “CIA research consciousness”

CIA Stargate 

The CIA Stargate Project was a 20-year program of research into psychic phenomena, particularly remote viewing, conducted by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The project was initiated in the 1970s in response to concerns about Soviet research into psychotronics. The Stargate Project was officially terminated in 1995, but some proponents of remote viewing … Continue reading “CIA Stargate “

The Psychotronic Universe

The CIA Document “The Psychotronic Universe”: This declassified document, produced by the CIA in 1978, explores the theoretical relationship between consciousness and the physical universe. It posits that consciousness may have a more fundamental role in shaping our reality than we previously understood. The document covers various topics, including: The General Concept of “The Psychotronic … Continue reading “The Psychotronic Universe”